Vote for a non extremist republican party


drawing by Kichka


France is going through crucial hours. Parliamentary elections on June 30th and July 7th might bring an extreme right government to power. Such a prospect is unacceptable for French Jews and Democrats like us. Because of its long history of antisemitism and xenophobia, of its ambivalent relationship to the rule of law, of its will to unravel Europe and its ambiguous relationship to Putin’s Russia, the Rassemblement national is contrary to the values we support.

Moreover, a number of leaders of the France insoumise have recently made statements attesting to an asserted or hidden anti-Semitism, sometimes not hesitating to appear alongside those who present the terrorist Hamas as “a resistance movement”, who deny Israel’s right to defend itself and who want a Palestine “from the river to the sea” (in other words, the disappearance of Israel). All this creates in many French Jews a legitimate anxiety, while it does not serve any of the true interests of the Palestinian people, and does not promote the only possible solution to the conflict that is tearing the Middle East apart: two States living side by side in peace and security.

As a result, the only solution on June 30th and July 7th is to vote for a non extremist republican party.

No to the Rassemblement National. No to La France insoumise.


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