“From social protest to the construction of a political alternative: Zoom meeting on September 22nd at 7p.m. (Paris time)


Zoom meeting on September 22nd at 7p.m. (Paris time) with David Ben Ishay, Dr Eric Setton and Denis Charbit (in French without translation in English)

The protest movement in Israel entered its 12th week, increasing nonstop. Each Saturday,several tenths of thousands demonstrators gather in front of the Prime Minister’s residence in Jerusalem or in front of his villa in Cæsarea or on more than 300 overpasses from North to South of the country. Several collectives call protest actions, showing evidence of the multiplicity and diversity of the dissatisfactions. Their demands are not only social, as official medias often pretend, but openly political. They all share the rejection of the Netanyahu’s era, and hope the Prime Minister will resign.

However, for the time being, that movement’s translation on the political chessboard remains unclear. Even though none of the political parties of the opposition appropriates these protests, while most leaders of the left and the center call to participate in them, the polls do not foretell anything like a political upheaval. The right remains predominant in the country.

In order to understand better the strength and the originality of that totally inconceivable movement only three months ago, as well as its weaknesses and its perspectives, JCall and La Paix Maintenant invite you to participate in a meeting they organize together, and which will be broadcasted by Zoom.

In order to answer our questions, we invited three personalities, all committed to that movement, a social actor, a political actor, and an analyst well acquainted with the Israeli society:

David Ben Ishay, former Director of Social Affairs for the FSJU, now a specialist of the environment and sustainable development ; he is today the Director of environment projects for compagnies responsible for pilot experimental projects in the city of Kfar Saba. He founded the “Mobilized Democrats” (Démocrates mobilisés), a francophone collective on facebook, associated with all trends of the current protest movements in Israel.

Eric Setton, Lt Col (retired), ex head physician in various military units, Medical Director of the Private Surgery Hospital Herzliya ; he is a member of the Central Committee of the Labor Party; he his favorable to an entry into de National Union Government.

Denis Charbit, Professor of Political Sciences at the Open University of Israel
He has published many, books, among them , “Retour sur Altneuland: la traversée des utopies sionistes” (éd. de L’Éclat); “Israël et ses paradoxes”, 2e éd. revue et augmentée, (éd. le Cavalier Bleu); Notes et introduction à l’édition des entretiens d’André Chouraqui et Léon Askénazi: “À l’heure d’Israël” (Albin Michel)

You have to register by sending an e-mail to [email protected]

We will send you a link, an ID. and a password to allow you to log in. The registration will be closed on September 22nd at 1P.M.


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