And the loser is…

Coming out of the second electoral campaign in 5 months, none of the two candidates for the position of Prime Minister is able to form

Israeli Elections: Second Round

Two weeks after the vote on the dissolution of The 21st Knesset, less than two months after its election, the Israeli political class seems to

From Gaza to Yom HaAtsmaut

photo from the Israeli-Palestinian Memorial Day Ceremony, Tel Aviv May, 7th “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” This

The election is over. What now ?

Given the insight into the results of the elections, and the disappointment we had to overcome, we may now draw quite a few lessons from

And the winner is …

On April 9th, Israelis will vote to appoint the 21st Knesset. This election, probably one of the most important for a long time, will determine

Facing antisemitism: miss nothing

We are witnessing now a widespread increase of antisemitism in the world. It would be irresponsible to ignore it. Since JCall’s creation in 2010, we

There are still judges in Jerusalem !

On October 18th, the Israeli Supreme Court’s decision to allow Lara Alqasem,  a young American student of Palestinian origin, to enter Israel in order to

We won’t give up !

According to the Jewish tradition, we usually say on Rosh Hashana’s eve: « May the year end with its curses and begin with its blessings. »

The dangerous “Nation-State Bill”

July 18th, 2018, will perhaps be remembered some day as the date when the Knesset challenged, through its vote, the balance existing, since the creation

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