A Call to the Jews of the World:

IF YOU CARE ABOUT ISRAEL, SILENCE IS NO LONGER AN OPTION! As the year 2017 approaches, marking 50 years of the Israeli occupation of the

“Nuit debout” and Alain Finkielkraut

JCall condemns the shameful behaviour of  “Nuit Debout” militants who forced Alain Finkielkraut, member of the French Academy, to leave Place de la République in

Shana Tova—Happy New Year 5776

According to the Jewish tradition, we usually say on Rosh Hashana eve: « May the year end with its curses and begin with its blessings. »

All of us are refugees

The pictures of refugees— children, adults, or elderly persons—walking along the railway tracks or the roads, carrying a bundle on their backs, crawling under barbed

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